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Friday the 13th Was Lucky for Some


Friday the 13th January 2023 was lucky for 9 young Cambodians, it was an important and life changing opportunity for these young Cambodians who on this day were sponsored by the C4COrganization to study at the National University of Management for a 4 year Bachelor Degree, thanks to our main sponsor Adam Taylor and his wife plus repayments from graduated students we are able to support these 9 young Cambodians. The students are from Various High Schools in Prey Veng Province. We will support them throughout their 4-year study. This year is the first year of support by graduated students who have repaid their entire student loans which allows them to support a student of their choice male or female, this year Kosal is the first graduated student and has chosen to sponsor Seyha Sreng a male who will be studying IT, these students are our generation 9 students

Generation 9 Students


Students with their new laptops

The students have now finished their third year of studies with all students having good to excellent results

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